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The United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, to be held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in June 2012, would give the international community a unique opportunity to build a global economic development model aimed at improving people's lives
The United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development to be held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, next year will be an opportunity for humanity to strengthen its commitment to making the transition to a 'green economy' to help lift people out of poverty
Ninguém e nenhuma organização não governamental ou empresa estão autorizados a falar em nome da campanha ou do Ministério e qualquer tentativa nesse sentido se trata de ato criminoso de estelionato.
Mulheres de 26 comunidades indígenas do País vão receber os recursos para aplicar em projetos voltados à conservação ambiental e à segurança alimentar
Called Turuka, the brigade has received training in the Maturuca Community, in the mountain region of the Raposa Serra do Sol Indigenous Land
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