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IBAMA trains indigenous brigade to prevent and combat forest fires

Called Turuka, the brigade has received training in the Maturuca Community, in the mountain region of the Raposa Serra do Sol Indigenous Land
Publicado: Terça, 01 Março 2011 21:00 Última modificação: Terça, 01 Março 2011 21:00

The Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (IBAMA) trained, last week, a group of 35 people of the Macuxi ethnic group, which lives in the far north of Roraima State, to fight forest fires.

Called Turuka, the brigade has received training in the Maturuca Community, in the mountain region of the Raposa Serra do Sol Indigenous Land. The classes were given by experts from the National Center for Prevention and Combat of Forest Fires (Prevfogo).

All members of the Turuka brigade also participated in the Volunteer Environmental Agent Program, also coordinated by IBAMA. The request for training was made by the Indigenous Council of Roraima, according to demands of the local indigenous peoples.

In the northern part of Roraima State, the rainy season occurs between May and September. The rest of the year, the weather is very dry, which facilitates the spread of fire.

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