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Um dos critérios de inclusão na relação de áreas prioritárias para prevenção e controle foi o desmatamento em 2008 igual ou superior a 200 km2. Medida foi anunciada pelo ministro Minc nesta terça-feira
Deep in the heart of the Brazilian state of Amapá, Tumucumaque Mountains National Park - the world's largest tropical forest park - will soon harbour a centre for biodiversity research.
The Brazilian Ministry of the Environment (Ministério do Meio Ambiente/MMA) is going to propose to the country's Secretary of State the use of solar energy in popular houses built by the national Growth Acceleration Programme (Programa de Aceleração ...
Germany is going to donate 5 million euros to Brazil so that the latter may buy equipment for recycling used refrigerators and extracting CFCs. The two countries formalized the agreement this month, establishing that equipment will be donated to ..
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