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Global efforts to fight climate change depend on preserving the Kyoto Protocol

Publicado: Segunda, 27 Junho 2011 21:00 Última modificação: Segunda, 27 Junho 2011 21:00

In an article published by the magazine "Trading Carbon", the Brazilian chief-negotiator for Climate Change, Ambassador André Corrêa do Lago, said that the best outcome from the Durban Climate Change Conference, to be held next December, would be the adoption of a second commitment period under the Kyoto Protocol.

For Ambassador Corrêa do Lago, the global response to climate change should continue to be guided by fair and consistent international standards, and preserving Kyoto is a key to achieve that goal. The Brazilian diplomat recalls that, according to the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities, the Kyoto Protocol asks more from the countries that have contributed the most to global warming. This rationale is the only means to ensure deep cuts in greenhouse gas emissions from developed countries.

"Having a second commitment period in place is also critical to maintaining market mechanisms under the Kyoto Protocol", says Corrêa do Lago. In effect, the continuation of mechanisms such as the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) depends on the adoption of further commitment periods under Kyoto.

Ambassador Corrêa do Lago concludes that the "adoption of a second commitment period in Durban is a key opportunity that the international community cannot afford to lose". "The effectiveness of global efforts to fight climate change is at stake", stresses the Brazilian chief-negotiator.

Source: Portal Brazil

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