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Executive Secretary of MMA attends the seventh meeting of the BASIC Group

The seventh meeting of BASIC started yesterday (May 26) and ends on May 30 in Durban (South Africa). The next encounter will be held later this year, possibly in Brazil
Publicado: Quinta, 26 Maio 2011 21:00 Última modificação: Quinta, 26 Maio 2011 21:00

The Executive Secretary of the Ministry of the Environment, Francisco Gaetani, is in Durban (South Africa) representing Minister Izabella Teixeira in the seventh meeting of BASIC - a high-level forum involving Brazil, South Africa, India and China to discuss issues concerning the negotiations of the international regime on climate change.

The group meetings have been held regularly since its creation (four meetings per year). As in previous occasions, the programming has two phases: first, discussions between experts and negotiators from the four countries; and the second, which brings together the Environment ministers.

The seventh meeting of BASIC started yesterday (May 26) and ends on May 30. The next encounter will be held later this year, possibly in Brazil.

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