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Forum discusses importance of forests for sustainability of the planet

The Ninth Session of the UN Forum on Forests will be held until February 4th, in New York (USA)
Publicado: Quinta, 27 Janeiro 2011 22:00 Última modificação: Quinta, 27 Janeiro 2011 22:00

To discuss the protection of the planet's forests, United Nations representatives are participating, since Monday (January 24), in the Ninth Session of the UN Forum on Forests (UNFF), in New York (USA). The main objective of the event is to set a common international agenda on the theme.

For two weeks, member countries will discuss the importance of forests for human welfare and how to ensure the sustainability of human populations that live in these areas, as well as the economic activities carried out by them in the forests areas.

According to João de Deus, director of the Forest Department at the Brazilian Ministry of the Environment (MMA), the motto of the UN campaign aims to remind everyone that forest conservation is not an obstacle to development. "Communities can develop their economies in a process that is associated with the preservation of natural resources", he says.

Other issues such as biodiversity conservation (especially in tropical forests), reducing its loss, and preservation of forests as a strategy for mitigating the effects of climate change will also be debated by the Forum.

The Brazilian delegation sent to the event is composed of members from the Forest Department of the MMA, from the Brazilian Forest Service and other institutions, such as Embrapa and the Ministry of External Relations.

The Ninth Session of the UN Forum on Forests will be held until February 4th.


Click here to read the Statement made by Arvids Ozlos, Chairman of the UNFF9 during the opening session of the event.


Further information on the UNFF 9th Session is available here.

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