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UN declares 2011 as the International Year of Forests

"Forests for people" is the theme of the year, which will be released on January 24 in New York (USA) during the 9th Session of the UN Forum on Forests (UNFF)
Publicado: Domingo, 16 Janeiro 2011 22:00 Última modificação: Domingo, 16 Janeiro 2011 22:00

To bolster efforts that will promote sustainable management, conservation and development of forests worldwide, the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted a resolution declaring the year 2011 as the International Year of Forests. "Forests for people" is the theme of the year, which will be released on January 24 in New York (USA) during the 9th Session of the UN Forum on Forests (UNFF).

In Brazil, the Ministry of the Environment is preparing events to raise awareness about the importance of forests. Worldwide, forests cover 31% of land area. Brazil, the second country with the largest forest area in the world, has 60.7% of its territory covered by forests, according to data from the Brazilian Forest Service (SFB).

Forests are an integral part of global sustainable development: forest-related economic activities affect the livelihoods of 1.6 billion people worldwide; they provide socio-cultural benefits and are the foundation for indigenous knowledge; and, as ecosystems, forests play a critical role in mitigating the effects of climate change and protecting biodiversity.

The International Year of Forests will raise awareness and promote global action to sustainably manage, conserve and develop all types of forests, including trees outside of forests.  Every day, there are forest cover losses worldwide. Conversion to agricultural land, unsustainable harvesting of timber, unsound land management practices and the creation of human settlements are the most common reasons for this loss of forested areas.

Various activities will be organized to celebrate the International Year and foster knowledge exchange on practical strategies to promote sustainable forest management.  To help facilitate organization of these activities, Governments, regional and international organizations and civil society organizations are expected to create national committees and designate focal points in their respective countries.

An Internet site for the International Year of Forests has been established within the UN Forum on Forests website:  

With information from the Department of Public Information - News and Media Division / UN General Assembly

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