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MMA will expand activities for the sustainable development of the Amazon

The partnership combines the strategies of the Amazon Ecological-Economic Macrozoning (MacroZEE) to the Regional Development Plan of the Amazon (PRDA) and follows the guidelines of the Sustainable Amazon Program (PAS)
Publicado: Quarta, 10 Fevereiro 2010 22:00 Última modificação: Quarta, 10 Fevereiro 2010 22:00

The Ministry of the Environment (MMA) and the Superintendency for the Development of Amazon (Sudam) will expand the implementation of actions to promote sustainable development in the Amazon region. The partnership combines the strategies of the Amazon Ecological-Economic Macrozoning (MacroZEE) to the Regional Development Plan of the Amazon (PRDA) in the search for a new model of production in the region that values people and the standing forest. The partnership will follow the guidelines of the Sustainable Amazon Program (PAS).

According to the director of Territorial Zoning of the MMA, Roberto Vizentin, the MacroZEE  will territorialize the Amazon region. "The PAS defines, for example, that we must expand agroforestry systems, but does not indicate where it will happen. MacroZEE territorializes the public policy, indicating where it can be implemented", he explains.

The MacroZEE divides the Legal Amazon in 10 territorial units, with indications of the best strategies for sustainable development in each area, according to their social, economic and environmental characteristics. This actions may affect 23 million people living in the Amazon region.

The PRDA will follow the MacroZEE's strategies to develop programs and projects of investment and promotion of sustainable productive activities in each of the 10 territorial units.

The implementation of actions following the three policies will allow Brazil to achieve its goals of sustainable development in the region, coupled with the reduction of deforestation, the promotion of a sustainable economy and the job creation, prioritizing the local population. Last week, representatives of MMA, Sudam, Bank of the Amazon and of the Superintendency of the Manaus Free Trade Zone gathered in Belém (Pará) to discuss the partnership.

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