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MMA prepares a summary of its main actions related to health

Publicado: Segunda, 26 Outubro 2009 22:00 Última modificação: Segunda, 26 Outubro 2009 22:00

The Brazilian Ministry of Environment (MMA) will publish a summary of its main actions that relate to health to support discussions at the 1st Conference of Environmental Health, which will be held between December 9 and 12 in Brasilia. During the meeting, the creation of new public policies for the sector will be discussed.


The publication will contain texts that each of the secretariats of the MMA made on their individual initiatives. The examples are very rich, such as environmental considerations resulting from the growth of the country, including in relation to the Pre-salt. The partnership with the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, which dealt with species that cause disease in humans, is also cited.


The meeting in Brasilia will be the result of municipal and state conferences held by the ministries of Environment, Health and Cities. It will reflect the demands of society with regard to problems whose solutions are common to the three ministries.


In the summary that will serve as support to the National Conference, the MMA's Secretariat of Climate Change and Environmental Quality draws attention to the fact that new ways of generating electricity imply impact. "Motor Vehicles and major enterprises in thermal power, siderurgy, refineries and others are the main agents of environmental contamination, as well as greenhouse gases emmiters. Air pollution, water and soil, especially in large cities, is jeopardizing population health and increasing the appearance of new diseases", says the document.

The text also highlights that the increasing use of chemicals to ensure agricultural production and the increased production of consumer goods, for example, leads to contamination of soil and water resources.

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