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MMA launches second phase of the Amazon Region Protected Areas Program

Publicado: Domingo, 20 Setembro 2009 21:00 Última modificação: Domingo, 20 Setembro 2009 21:00

The Brazilian Ministry of Environment (MMA) launches this Monday (09/21) the second phase of the Amazon Region Protected Areas Program (Arpa) during the VI Brazilian Congress of Conservation Units, which began last Sunday (09/20) and will end on September 24th in Curitiba (Paraná).

The MMA takes this opportunity to present the goals and directions of the new phase of the program, which will be developed in 2010 and will reach more than 20 million hectares of protected areas. The MMA Forests Biodiversity Secretary, Maria Cecília Wey de Brito, will present the Ministry strategies to guarantee the conservation of the Brazilian Forests.

There will also be presented a review on the basis for conservation, among them, data about the management costs of Conservation Units and how much these costs can be converted into benefits. "We are going to show that costs are pretty much low compared to the benefits they generate to the Conservation Units", says Maria Cecília.

As part of the Congress program, in order to debate the importance of creating coastal and marine conservation units, the Ministry will hold the Seminar "Sustainable Coastal Towns: Coastal and Marine Conservation Units as Management Tools". Brazilian coast has over 8.500 km in extension, includes 17 states and is the destiny of millions of Brazilian and foreign tourists.

The Congress is organized by O Boticário Foundation with the support of the Brazilian Ministry of Environment. For further information, visit

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