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Seminar discusses Low Carbon Economy and Green Jobs

Publicado: Domingo, 20 Setembro 2009 21:00 Última modificação: Domingo, 20 Setembro 2009 21:00

A Seminar held this Friday (09/18) by the Applied Economics Research Institute (Ipea) in partnership with the Brazilian Ministry of Environment and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) had as its main issue the study The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEBB).  

The economist and expert in green economy who led the study at the UNEP, Pavan Sukhdev, showed the results in a recent analysis of the costs and opportunities concerning a transition from the current development economic model to a low carbon one, which it is claimed will stimulate green jobs.

The MMA Executive-Secretary, Izabella Teixeira, took part in the Seminar. According to her, today's world faces a new model of environmental policy. "Without biodiversity conservation there is no guarantee for the survival of most animal and vegetable species and, therefore, there will be no chance for sustainable development."

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