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Government Project bans sugarcane expansion in Pantanal and in Amazon

Publicado: Domingo, 20 Setembro 2009 21:00 Última modificação: Domingo, 20 Setembro 2009 21:00

The Federal Government launched this Thursday (09/17) the Sugarcane Agroecological Zoning (ZAE), which will rule the expansion of agricultural production and will also guarantee it to be a sustainable activity regulated by social-environmental restrictions.

The set of rules regulating the expansion of sugarcane plantation will be sent to the Brazilian Congress as a bill. This bill foresees a calendar, up to 2017, on gradual decreasing of burning spots on areas which harvest is mechanized, and also bans plantation in the Amazon, in the Pantanal, in the High Paraguay Basin an in other areas with native cover.

The Brazilian forecast is to double, until 2017, the current seven million hectares of sugarcane. To the new coming seven million hectares, ZAE will work as a guarantee of acceptance of the Brazilian ethanol by the international market. The internalization of the environmental issue in the sugarcane zoning process will act as a "plus" to the Brazilian product. It will work as a "green stamp" to the local ethanol.

During the launch held by president Lula, the Environment minister, Carlos Minc, considered ZAE an impeccable plan because it is going to provide jobs preserving biomes. "We'll have a 100% green ethanol", said the minister.

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