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Minc presents Brazilian environmental policy in Portugal

Publicado: Terça, 28 Abril 2009 21:00 Última modificação: Terça, 28 Abril 2009 21:00

The Brazilian minister of Environment, Carlos Minc, spoke about Brazilian environmental policy on Tuesday (April 28), in Lisbon, at the forum Os Dias de Desenvolvimento, organized by the Instituto Português de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento. Minc was invited to visit Portugal by Portuguese Environment minister Francisco Nunes Correia.

Various topics were discussed at the meeting: water resources; the 2014 World Water Congress; biodiversity - as to an international regime of access to biodiversity and benefit sharing; renewable energy sources; and climate change, with debates on the Fundo Português de Carbono (Portuguese Carbon Fund) and on preparation for the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change to be held in December 2009 in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Brazil and Portugal have maintained a bilateral agenda referring to the environment since the 3rd Conference of Environment Ministers of the Portuguese Speaking Community, held in Angola in April 2008, in which environmental cooperation was taken up. Cooperation between the two countries is based on the implementation of projects and programs of environmental interest, specially focused on sustainable development.

Priority cooperation between Brazil and Portugal is the integrated management of water resources. Other topics agreed upon are actions which stimulate the participation of society in sustainable production activities.

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