Adaptation to Climate Change - MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT PORTFOLIO RESULTS 2013 TO 2016
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08 de Novembro de 2016
Adaptation to Climate Change - MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT PORTFOLIO RESULTS 2013 TO 2016
National Adaptation Plan to Climate Change - General Strategy - Volume I
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08 de Novembro de 2016
The purpose of the Brazilian Federal Government’s National Adaptation Plan, hereinafter referred to as the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) is to guide initiatives for management and reduction of long-term climate risks, as established in Ministry of Enviroment (MMA) Order 150 of 10 th of May 2016, published in the Official Gazette (DOU) of 11 th May 2016. The Plan was drawn up by the Executive Group of the Inter-ministerial Committee on Climate Change (GEx-CIM) between 2013 and 2016, as provided for in the National Policy for Climate Change (PNMC - Law 12.187/09) and its enabling decree (Decree 7.390/10). The NAP was drawn up in consonance with the National Plan for Climate Change, with sectoral mitigation and adaptation plans, and with decisions on adaptation undertaken by Brazil within the framework of the Conference of the Parties (COP) on Climate Change.
National Adaptation Plan to Climate Change - Executive Summary
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08 de Novembro de 2016
The National Adaptation Plan (NAP) was established by Ministry of Enviroment (MMA) Order 150 of 10 th May 2016, published in the Official Gazette (DOU) of 11 th May 2016. Coordination of the Plan is entrusted to the Technical Group for Adaptation, established to provide technical and political guidance, to monitor, assess and review its actions, and to establish operational routines and mechanisms for its management.
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08 de Novembro de 2016
The Amazonian basin constitutes the most extensive hydrographic system of the Earth, covering nine countries of South America and more than 6 million square kilometers. The Strategic Plan of Water Resources of the Southbank Tributaries of Amazon River (PERH-MDA) comprises the area, in national territory, of seven large tributaries basins of the Amazon River - besides smaller basins located among those. Five states of the Union are inserted in the area of the Plan, which is 2.54 million Km 2 (corresponding to 30% of national territory) inhabited by 5.11 million inhabitants (2.8% of the total Brazilian population, in 2007) of which 60% live in urban areas
Hydrographic Regions in Brazil
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08 de Novembro de 2016
Brazil's National Water Agency IANA) was founded in 2000, with the mission of implementing and coordinating shared and integrated management of water resources, regulating access to water. promoting sustainable use for the benefit of current and future generations, and meeting the challenge of implementing thc National Water Resources Policy, instituted by Law 9.433/97, also known as the Water Law. Like Brazil itself. this challenge is vast, reflecting the huge expanses of territory and immense volumes of fresh water reserves involved. Just to cxemplify, average annual discharges of Brazil's rivers amount to 180,000 cubic meters (the equivalent of 72 olympic swimming pools) per second. This amounts to roughly 12% of the wdrld's available surface fresh water.
Reflora - Ebook
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03 de Novembro de 2016
Reflora is an initiative which aims to increase access to and use of Brazilian plant diversity information deposited in institutions within and outside Brazil.
National Parks of Brazil
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03 de Novembro de 2016
The Instituto Chico Mendes de Conservação da Biodiversidade (ICMBio) is an agency under the Ministry of the Environment and has the mission of protecting the natural heritage and promoting socio-environmental development. ICMBio is responsible for the administration of the 311 Fede-ral Protected Areas (PA), located in all of the Brazilian states and in the Capital. National Parks are Category II Protected Areas (IUCN). The main objective of the Parks is the preservation of natural ecosystems with great ecological importance, enabling scienti c research and ecot-ourism to occur. Welcome to the National Parks of Brazil. Heritage for all!
Partners for Nature
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8.11 MB
03 de Novembro de 2016
Producing without degrada on. Developing without deforesta on. It is through this thinking and ac ng that the partners for nature – also called (non-indians) tradi onal peoples or communi es – make their living directly from nature. While extrac ng products of animal, vegetable or mineral origin for their livelihoods and sociocultural reproduc on, these peoples conserve and protect nature. Thus, recognizing that natural resources are fi nite, but part of them is needed for use, categori es of the group called Sustainable Use Reserves were created. Among these protected areas, which harmonize the protec on of nature with the sustainable use of natural resources by (non-indian) tradi onal peoples, are the Extrac vist Reserves (“Resex”), the Na onal Forests (“Flonas”) and the Sustainable Development Reserves (“RDS”). Through this booklet, you will learn more about these protected areas, their benefi ciaries and their products, sustainably extracted from nature.
Expeditions to the Mountains of Amazonia
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03 de Novembro de 2016
Mountains are believed by the Ianomami Indians to be the home of the spirits. For Marcus A. Na-druz Coelho, Denise Pinheiro da Costa, Gustavo Marti-nelli, Miguel Avila Moraes and Rafaela Campostrini For-zza,the five biologists from the Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden responsible for the research recorded in this book, they represent a profusion of species that occur, transmute, reproduce, disappear and continually transform the Ama-zonian flora.
The implementation of water use charges and water agency in the Piracicaba, Capivari and Jundiaí River Basins
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08 de Novembro de 2016
The year of 2006 marked the history of the Piracicaba, Capivari and Jundiaí (PCJ) River Basins as a year of important decisions in the process of consolidating the Water Resources Management System in the region. lt is an integrated, democratic, participative and decentralized system, as required by Brazilian legislation. This process was initiated when a charge for the use of water from rivers under federal jurisdiction was introduced and the PCJ Water Agency was established. This activity was under the responsibility of the Intermunicipal Consortium of the Piracicaba, Capivari and Jundiaí River Basins, appointed by the PCJ Committees and by resolution of the National Commission of Water Resources (Conselho Nacional de Recursos Hídricos - CNRH).
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10.06 MB
08 de Novembro de 2016
For the fulfillment of our needs, we must therefore have an adequate supply of mineral commodities, since they are essential to agribusiness, civil construction and the industrial sector, and the arts, i.e., all production chains and cultural manifestations of humanity. For example, airplanes, cars, computers, churches, sculptures, musical instruments, and many other items are nothing but processed minerals.
The Evolution of Water Resources Management in Brazil
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26.72 MB
08 de Novembro de 2016
The Brazilian water resources community has much to celebrate on the World Day of Water. For over ten years now, concrete actions carried out by all sectors of the water resources community, have made Brazil outstanding on the international scene for its pioneer work in changing the laws and introducing the most modern forms of water management in daily life.
Action Plan for the Conservation of the Brazilian Merganser
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1.01 MB
03 de Novembro de 2016
Every Brazilian citizen is responsible for watching over this national patrimony, but the initiatives and measures to be adopted in order to reverse this scenario must be undertaken in an organized and cooperative way for a common objective. Therefore, gathering of efforts
from governments, society and research institutions, aiming the conservation of our biodiversity, represents an important step of this endeavor.
from governments, society and research institutions, aiming the conservation of our biodiversity, represents an important step of this endeavor.
Folder - Promoting the economic and sustainable use of forests
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401.01 kB
01 de Novembro de 2016
The Brazilian Forest Service is an agency linked to the Ministry of the Environment. It aims to promote economic and sustainable use of forests with the objective of integrating forest based development on the country’s economic and strategic agenda.
Folder - National Forest Inventory Brazil
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3.64 MB
01 de Novembro de 2016
About the NFI Brazil
The main purpose of the NFI is to generate information on forest resources, both natural and plantations, based on a 5-year measurement cycle, to support the formulation of public policies aiming at forest resources use and conservation.
The main purpose of the NFI is to generate information on forest resources, both natural and plantations, based on a 5-year measurement cycle, to support the formulation of public policies aiming at forest resources use and conservation.
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635.91 kB
01 de Novembro de 2016
ENREDD+ - National REDD+ Strategy
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1.71 MB
01 de Novembro de 2016
National Strategy for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation, and the role of Conservation of Forest Carbon Stocks, Sustainable Management of Forests and Enhancement of Forest Carbon Stocks.
BRAZILIAN FORESTS at a glance 2013
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8.87 MB
01 de Novembro de 2016
The Brazilian Forest Service has striven to collect data and information as current as possible, from various national sources, produced by the main actors involved in the management, use, conservation and restoration of our forests, and to gather them in a concise format for future reference. This effort is consistent with the mandate/competence of the Forest Service to create and maintain a National Forest Information System.
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